Apparel Store Inventory Inquiry — How to make an inventory inquiry to headquarter quickly and accurately

2 min readSep 9, 2021


For an apparel store or a fashion brand store, it is often needed to inquire about the stock quantity of a particular product to the headquarter or other stores. If you use the collaboration tool Shopl, it is optimized for store management and make inquiries about inventory quickly and accurately.

Advantages of managing clothing store inventory inquiries through Shopl

1. Easy product inventory inquiry

2. Monitor the entire process of inquiry

3. Accurate, unmissable communication with the headquarter

Easy product inventory inquiry

You can enter the product number and name in the ‘Field Report’ and easily inquire about the product availability to the headquarter.

Monitor the entire process of inquiry

By using the Issue & Resolved type reports, you can monitor the entire process from registration of inquiries, designation of a person in charge, to issue being solved in real time. You can share your inquiry and check with the person in charge who solved it, so you can feel more secure!

Accurate, unmissable communication with the headquarter

Since unresolved and resolved issues can be checked at once, accurate and fast communication is possible without missing things out.

Shopl, a ‘collaboration tool for frontline teams’ that is convenient for inventory inquiries

Shopl can help you accurately and quickly deliver store inquiries, such as inventory and stock inquiries to the headquarter. Start your free trial right now on the Shopl website.




[Shopl] is a SaaS-based retail shop cooperation tool connecting the headquarter and employees at the stores to make management easier!