[FAQ-Ⅰ] Frequently asked questions before using Shopl

2 min readOct 6, 2021

Shopl — a collaboration tool for frontline teams, is being used in various industries such as electronics stores and fashion brand stores, as well as for overtime management and franchise managment. Many of out clients inquire us on what they are curious about Shopl before using it.


💬 Is it possible to grant privileges for each position?

Yes, it is possible. Administrators can adjust the permission to create and check schedules, posts, and reports as needed.

💬 Can data be checked in real time?

Yes, you can check the main status in real time on the PC version dashboard or on app in Leader Mode.

💬 Can it be linked with the existing system?

Yes, there are customers already who have linked with the existing system. For more information, contact us via website below or email (admin@shoplworks.com), and we will be happy to assist you.

💬 If other features are needed, is further development possible?

If the requested feature is considered as useful to other clients as well, we will add the feature without additional development costs. Contact us via website below or official email (admin@shoplworks.com), and we will be happy to assist you.

💬 Is it possible to only use the features that are needed?

Yes, you can only turn on the features you need and use it as a ‘customized collaboration tool for your company’. Shop provides various options for each features, so it can be used according to the policy and circumstances of each company.

<Period of use>

💬 Is there a separate contract period?

No, there is not. You can stop using Shopl at any time if necessary.

💬 We would like to try out the service before paying.

If you apply for a consultation now, you can experience all the features provided by Shopl for 30 days.

Just by skimming through the Q&As, you can see that Shopl is a ‘collaboration tool for frontline teams’. If you have any more inquiry, click the button below to check out the Shopl website. You can also try out all features for 30 days through free trial. Experience the changes in the field with Shopl.




[Shopl] is a SaaS-based retail shop cooperation tool connecting the headquarter and employees at the stores to make management easier!